Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tee - Hee - Wee

Can someone deliver me ChaTime ? Craving for that now :(

Cry for the whole nights . Sounds great huh ? :/ Once woke up for school , looked at the mirror . Shit , I saw a f ugly ugly ghost with a pair of huge eye bag & dark circle . Plan to apply mask during Friday nights . 

Heavy heavy rain for this afternoon . 

Emo for the whole dam day during my school lesson . Even my ladies said that I do looked suck with my emo face -.- I had no choice , as I'm having mind stuck & non stop twisting my brain juice just to get some way out to settle my problem . Beside , having stomachache all the way in school . Might be my " relative " visiting me soon . Brought phone to school with ladies except for Jazzmeen :)

Texted with my boyfiie's mama . Ask bout Sunday's stuff . Relieved at last , his mama told me that she's coming my place to pick me up to visit him together . Phew for settled down my problem at last . Anyway , my wifey going with me too :DD  

Realize that just a day more absent for my school days , I'm going to receive the second warning letter from my school . Yet , the forth letter will be the final letter then I'll be fired . Neh , 60 days la . Not so fast la , as left 1 month plus then I'm having my long term holiday . Seriously can't wait for the day which outing with girls for our manicure & pedicure at Old Klang Road :P  & I can't wait for my boyfriend come back from his National Service _ 59 days to go ! 

Teeheewee , just received his call (Y) .


Something to share with my readers :)
Both of my cousin sister went for studio photoshoot . Haha !

 I Like This Most :))

Pretty & Cute rightt ? :P

* shit -.- PA tuition for tomorrow with Joey :X

IreneTanShinYii  ;

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mood Less :(

心情真的很低落 :'(

我常常都在想 _我答应过你的事情 , 我何时是没有做到给你 ? 就连考试 , 我也曾经答应过你我会用心的去考 . 我也真的做到了 . 可是 , 可是 , 你答应我的你没有做到 . 反悔算了 , 还要让我难堪 , 厚着脸皮去问人东西 .

我好不容易才得到老爸的答案说 _ 让我和我的他的父母一起去见见他 . 可是 , 为什么你就是不让 ? 还要他的父母来我家载我 ? 他的父母都已经说明了不熟悉我们家的路 , 为什么你还是硬要人家来 ? 你到底在想什么 ? 你让我越来越讨厌你的人格 , 你知道吗 ? 还是 , 你根本就不喜欢我和他在一起 ? 不喜欢 可以说啊 _ 为什么就是要嬉皮笑脸的对着人家 , 而在后面就用另个态度来对待人 ? 你很假 ! 你明知道我不喜欢惺惺作态的人 , 为什么你还是要做 ?

之前问过你了 , 我是否能去我老婆家过夜一晚 隔天再和他的父母一起去探望他 . 你说的 _ 只要老爸给我就能去 .现在有了答案 , 可为什么你就要这样 ? 说话不算话 , 我恨 我超痛恨的 . 每次好声好气和你谈某样事情 , 你总是看我小声 而你就会把你的声音调高和我对话 . 你觉得 _ 你这样的态度和我说话 , 我会喜欢吗 ? 以前我总是会和你大吵 , 到我说了一些你从来没有听过的话 , 你才来好声好气和我说话 , 才来和我道歉说 _ 你之前做得是有过分 , 什么什么之类的话 . 每一次 , 每一次 _ 都是这样 . 没有变过 !!

今天的我 , 厌倦了你这种戏剧化的戏码 . 我费事要和你拗这所有的一切了 :/ 不好意思的说 , 我真的很厌恶这些了你知道吗 ? 你让我讨厌了 . 只要一提起我和他的事情 , 你总是多多借口 多多意见 多多花样来阻止一切 . 爸说 _ 你这样只想要保护我 . 我真的想请问 这算是什么保护 ? 我一点也不觉得这一切是在保护我 . 保护 不是这样的 . 为什么我能和爸好好的说话 , 而你就不能 ? 我和我爸的对话之间 他从未对我声大大的 , 就好声好气的和我解释和我说每样事情 , 为何你不能 ?

" 如果他的父母不会去的话 , 就不要去看他啦 ! " - 这句话 应该从你嘴巴说出来吗 ? 你觉得你应该这样说吗 ? 好歹你也是有个儿子的妈妈了 , 要是你的儿子也去当兵了 . 没有人会去那地方 ,  也没有 GPS 导航器 , 你还会说出这种话吗? 难道 , 你不觉得你过分了点吗 ?

你越是在我面前说这类似话 , 我越对你反感 .

IreneTanShinYii ;

Monday, October 3, 2011

BLOGSPOT.COM ___ I'm Back .

IRENETANSHINYII . BLOGSPOT . COM ___ , sounds strange yet familiar to me . I've quit myself here for more than 6 months . I'm a freak for my own since the day I've created this web . Yet , I'm not anymore :) 

Previous post , deleted :) don't ask why & Idk why .

01 . 10 . 2011 

It's a my big big day for my daddy . He got his wifey number 2 back __ Nissan Teana . It's in silver colour & car number : WVV xxxx . Seems like the 4 'V' sticking with each other huh ? 

It's a big big big for my AppleYii . You'll know her if you do followup my facebook :) A birthday celebration for her , which we planned for one week ago & without her knowing . Thanks for everyone's cooperation to keep this as a secret . 

Surprise _ Success ;) 

Her , with her present :)

& yeah , mama bought me a voucher for mani & pedi . RM 25 ONLY  , OPI nail polish some more . Worth right ? I'm going with my 4 ladies too . Haha (Y) , can't wait for the school holidays . 

02 . 10 . 2011 

Woke at 6.40am , accompanied my wifey - Penny for her undang exam which located at Sri Muda . Both us went there with an empty tummy , starving like ohhmygee -.- 4 hours later , reached home & the very first thing was _ looking for FOOD . End up , cooked spaghetti . 

Ha , halfway of eating . Mama came & told me that later papa is going to bring us out for lunch . 
" #$##$^%^*&(@@!!^()!~@~$%$#^%*&( " - all these appear in my mind , sudden .  

About 12.45pm went out for lunch , located at Klang _ 日满 . 
姜蓉鱼片 , 小辣椒 & 姜丝蒸拉拉 , 青菜炒 Sambal 虾米 , 茄子豆角虾米 ( 辣 ) __ our lunch , do hope that you understand Chinese yea . Hah ! 

It's an awesome & tasty lunch ever in my life , cause normally we're having this for our dinner . Yet , dinner was as simple as well . 

Slept before 12am again . I'm tired , seriously tired :'( 

03 . 10 . 2011 

Monday , skipped school with my ladies . If not , I won't be here crapping .

IreneTanShinYii ;